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Our New Double CD of Homeric Hymn to Demeter

The Homeric Hymn to Demeter is a milestone for Eleusis since it refers to the main symbolic ritual of the Eleusinian mysteries , Demeter finding her daughter Persephone , showing mythological and Philosophical why and how they were established, but also the functional form taken by the city of Eleusis . The projection and emergence of the city by the symbolic meanings of the project is certain , since for the first time worldwide it revives the Ancient language into song on the occasion of Eleusis

The funding will be crucial to set to music other ancient texts or even movies with Ancient Greek language and philosophy..:

The Homeric Hymns are a collection of ancient Greek hymns in dactylikos hexametros, the same used in the Iliad and the Odyssey . In ancient times, the hymns are attributed to Homer: the first reference to them in written text is by Thucydides (iii.104). Wolf, in the ProlegomenaadHomerum, correctly drew the conclusion that these hymns were used by Rhapsodys as admission lead to epic recitations .

The oldest of them were written in the 7th century BC, so are among the oldest monuments of Greek literature. Despite the fact that most Homeric hymns were written during the Archaic period (7th-6th century BC) , some are considered as works of the Hellenistic Period.

The hymns vary in size : some are short and end in three or four rows , while others cover up to five hundred verses . The larger anthems include invocation eulogy and narration sometimes extensive. Most of the extant manuscripts from the Byzantine period begin with the Third Hymn. An accidental discovery in 1777, in Moscow , brought to light both anthems at the beginning of the collection , the Hymn to Dionysus and the Hymn to Demeter . They are contained in a unique manuscript of the 15th century and preserved in fragmentary form.

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